Land for Sale in Shankarpally to Vikarabad Road


✅Land Size = 25 Acars

✅Land  Rate = 3 Cr per 1 Acer

✅Shankarpally to Vikarabad road 1st Bit


✅Village = NagireddyPally

✅City = Nawabpet(Mandal)

✅Dist= Vikarabad



✅Proposed RRR(Regional Ring Road) to 1.5K.M Distance 

✅Nawabpet to 6.5 K.M Distance 

✅Shankarpally to Land 14 K.M Distance

✅Vikarabad to Land 20 K.M Distance 

✅Mominpet to Land 21 K.M Distance 

✅Mokila to Land 22 K.M Distance

✅Muthangi (ORR)to Land 30 K.M Distance 

✅Bhel to Land 38 K.M Distance 

✅Financial District to Land 40 K.M Distance

✅Hyderabad(Koti) to Land 58 K.M Distance

✅Mail Us- 

✅Contact Us-8919634307

Land for Sale in Sadashivpet (Peddapur)


Agricultural land for Sale 

5 Acars 

Price. 2Cr 30Lacksper 1 Acar

(Vill) Peddapur

(Mdl) Sadashivpet

(Dist) Sanareddy 

NH65 Mumbai Highway to 3 K.M Distance 

Sadashivpet to 10K.M Distance 

Sangareddy to 16K.M Distance 

Muthangi (ORR )to 36K.M Distance 

Financial District to 53K.M Distance 

Hyderabad (Koti) to 73K.M Distance 

Contact Us-8919634307 

Land for Sale in Sadashivpet (Thangadapally)


Agricultural land for Sale 

6 Acars

Price. 90 lakhs per 1 Acar

(Vill) Thangadapally 

(Mdl) Sadashivpet 

(Dist) Sanareddy 

MRF to  6 K.M Distance

Sadashivpet to 12K.M Distance 

Sangareddy to 30K.M Distance 

Shankarpally to 46K.M Distance 

Financial District to 69K.M Distance 

Hyderabad (Koti) to 89K.M Distance 

Contact Us-8919634307 

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